

Jilin local hydropower project



Project Name: Jilin local hydropower project

Product Name: small KYN92A hand car switch cabinet

Running time: October 2008

Running state: the equipment is running well

Performance description: the company Jilin Local Hydropower Company provides 66kV power station 10kV side KYN92A miniaturization of switch station closer to 30, cumulative application of nearly 500 KYN92A miniaturization of switch cabinet, save equipment floor. Box width meet the demand of transportation, the safe and stable operation of the equipment, function Qi.



ADD: 988 Shenying Street, Hunnan District, Shenyang City

TEL: 400-88-96321 024-83752632 / 23676442


Liao ICP No. 16007207-1 Chinese Name: speeding China.

Shenyang Construction Site:seqill.cn

黔西| 文安县| 资阳市| 东平县| 新野县| 灵石县| 永靖县| 霍州市| 泰和县| 枞阳县| 百色市| 通江县| 九江县| 和硕县| 八宿县| 井陉县| 呼伦贝尔市| 东乡县| 石首市| 天峻县| 修武县| 阆中市| 革吉县| 彝良县| 哈尔滨市| 巩留县| 金阳县| 乌审旗| 自治县| 龙泉市| 工布江达县| 蒙自县| 浦县| 延边| 腾冲县| 洛扎县| 斗六市| 石城县| 怀化市| 屏东县| 衡水市|